11 items found
Encyclopedia of the Warsaw Ghetto
Reaching for the stars
Laboratorium urody Dr. Ireny Eris
O nadziei, cierpieniu, bólu
Lukasiewicz’s flame
A richly illustrated publication about the creator of outdoor lamps. Set in the 19th century, the story is told by...
Panteon związanych z Polską innowatorów, kreatorów uniwersalnych idei i wartości społecznych XX wieku, którzy wnieśli nowy wymiar, ideę lub odkrycie do przestrzeni publicznej, nauki,...
A century of women
The book shows last hundred years of Poland from women perspective. Women from all backgrounds tell about their own path in...
Jens Orback
Design of polish edition of a book by Jens Orback on unveiling family's past. Author who is a swedish economist, broadcast journalist and politician, reconstructs his mother's dramatic...
Cover for polish edition of norwegian popular science book about decrease of sperm quality and decline in fertility.
A book series for the Pilecki Institute
The design of a series of historical books. The scope of work includes the comprehensive design of the covers and...