
6 items found

Lukasiewicz’s flame

Lukasiewicz’s flame
A richly illustrated publication about the creator of outdoor lamps. Set in the 19th century, the story is told by...

Illustrations for Modern Culture magazine

Illustrations for Modern Culture magazine
Illustrations I designed for two issues of Modern Culture quarterly. Each issue gathers treatises on a specific subject in the area of...

Understand inflation. Tutorials

Understand inflation. Tutorials
Design of guides explaining the phenomenon of inflation. Publications are a part of a campaign carried out by the banking sector, which aim is to provide customers...

Illustrations for Modern Culture magazine

Illustrations for Modern Culture magazine
Illustrations I designed for special issue of Modern Culture quarterly. The issue gatherethed archival articles on variuos topics. This is why...

TV Series: How Is It Made? An animated presentation

TV Series: How Is It Made? An animated presentation
The design of a multimedia presentation accompanying a lecture centred on the work stages of TV series development. The illustrations...

The Green Brigade children’s book

The Green Brigade children’s book
An educational illustrated children’s book about ecology with simple tips on how to care for the environment. Nine fairy tales...


犀利士是用來治療勃起功能障礙的壯陽藥物,它在藥效上有著獨特的優勢。犀利士作為新一批藥物,被廣泛應用於男性勃起功能障礙的治療。 Festiwal Film the Book Festiwal Film the Book Projekt identyfikacji wizualnej Film the Book, wydarzenia, które od 6 lat łączy wydawców książek z branżą filmową. Owocem spotkań są adaptacje filmowe książek. Oprawę wydarzenia zaprojektowałam w oparciu o istniejący logotyp,...Identyfikacja wizualna mojej autorskiej pracowni obuwia. Pracownię prowadzę razem z tatą. Szyjemy buty ręcznie na indywidualne zamówienie w kameralnym zakładzie na warszawskiej Starej Ochocie.